Dogface Driving: Working Out while on the road

It’s not always easy being an adult. Sometimes the work flow and family life flow can be fatiguing at best and sleep depriving at worst. You want to workout. You need to workout. You just don’t think you have the ample time to be able to do even a short workout session. You don’t even think you can do anything because you have no equipment or don’t have any space in your car to bring your equipment with you. You can’t think of anything to do besides pushups and sit-ups because that’s all you did in whatever academy or boot camp you went to.

Here’s some ideas that you can utilize for some quick on the road workouts.

Try some AMRAPs, Down Workouts, Pyramids, Total Repetition Methods, Supersets, EMOMs with these workouts.

Upper Body Workouts

A) Pushup -> Plank to Pushup -> Hand Release Pushup - Arm Extension

B) Pushup -> Prone Snow Angel

C) Pushup -> Diamond Pushup -> Pike Pushup

Lower Body Workouts

A) Squat -> RDL -> Calf Raise

B) Lunge -> Side Lunge -> Good Morning

C) Nordic Curl -> Reverse Nordic Curl -> Back Bridge

Full Body Workouts

A) Hindu Pushups and Hindu Squats: Great Gama Routine

B) Burpees with pumps (pushups) and chasers (squats)

C) Sprawl -> Mountain Climber -> Step Up -> Pushup

Ab Workouts

A) Dead Bug -> Bird Dog

B) Front Plank -> Side Plank -> Reverse Plank

C) Crunch -> Side Plank Dip -> Hip Bucks

These few workouts should suffice for this post. More will be posted later and videos will be made along with them. Just remember: There is always time to train!


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