Scourgeburner - Big 4 Focused Program

So you want to try something else now that isn’t the Swordsman. I got you.

This is focused on the big 4 lifts of OHP, Bench, Squat, and the Deadlift. The 5th day will be a run day. 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) will be utilized as off days. Every 5th week will be a Deload week.

This program will focus on singles for main lifts follow by volume work to support the main lifts. The Flesh will be build through overwhelming singles each week followed by an increase to power in the Gas Tank.


Day 1: OHP

  • Main Work:

Barbell OHP 4x1 @70% 1RM

  • Accessory Work:

DB Push Press AMRAP @ 1 Min. 50% 1RM

  • Auxiliary Work:

Down Workout: Pullup, Handstand Pushup, Inverted Row, Dip

  • Supplementary Work:

Face pull 2x15

Band Pull Apart 2x15

Ab Wheel Rollout 3x10

Bird Dog 2x20


Day 2: Squat

  • Main Work:

Barbell Back Squat 4x1 @ 70% 1RM

  • Accessory Work:

DB Goblet Squat AMRAP @ 1 Min. 50% 1RM

  • Auxiliary Work:

Down Workout: Hip Buck, Side Lunge, RDL

  • Supplementary Work:

Reverse Nordic 2x15

Nordic Curl 2x15

Hanging Leg Raise 3x10

Dead Bug 2x20


Day 3: Bench

  • Main Work:

Barbell Bench Press 4x1 @ 70% 1RM

  • Accessory Work:

DB Incline Bench Press AMRAP @ 1 Min. 50% 1RM

  • Auxiliary Work:

Down Workout: Pullup, Pushup, Inverted Row, Dip

  • Supplementary Work:

Face pull 2x15

Band Pull Apart 2x15

Ab Wheel Rollout 3x10

Bird Dog 2x20


Day 4: Deadlift

  • Main Work:

Barbell Deadlift 4x1 @ 70% 1RM

  • Accessory Work:

DB RDL AMRAP @ 1 Min. 50% 1RM

  • Auxiliary Work:

Down Workout: Hip Buck, Side Lunge, Prisoner Squat

  • Supplementary Work:

Reverse Nordic 2x15

Nordic Curl 2x15

Hanging Leg Raise 3x10

Dead Bug 2x20


Day 5: Run

There will be a warmup followed by sprints or distance runs. Warm ups will consist of a slow 1 mile jog follow by an active warm up.

Now that you have an idea of how this workout program will run, here is how the schedule will look:

First will show the percentage increase each week

Second will show the time of the AMRAP for accessory work

Third will show the amount of reps for the down workout

Fourth will show the mileage of run days

Week 1: 4x1 @ 70% 1RM, 1 Min, 5, 1.5 Miles

Week 2: 4x1 @ 75% 1RM, 1 Min, 6, 4x100m

Week 3: 5x1 @ 80% 1RM, 1:15, 7, 2.5 Miles

Week 4: 5x1 @ 85% 1RM, 1:15, 5, 4x200m

Week 5: Deload

Week 6: 6x1 @ 70% 1RM, 1:30, 6, 3.5 Miles

Week 7: 6x1 @ 75% 1RM, 1:30, 7, 4x400m

Week 8: 4x1 @ 80% 1RM, 1:45, 8, 4.5 Miles

Week 9: 4x1 @ 85% 1RM, 1:45, 5, 8x100m

Week 10: Deload

Week 11: 5x1 @ 70% 1RM, 2:00, 6, 5.5 Miles

Week 12: 5x1 @ 75% 1RM, 2:00, 7, 8x200m

Week 13: 6x1 @ 80% 1RM, 2:00, 8, 5.5 Miles

Week 14: 6x1 @ 85% 1RM, 2:00, 9, 8x400m


Linchpin - Carry-Focused Program


Dogface Driving: Working Out while on the road