Your Journey Begins With Haste

You wake up at 5 AM to get ready for work. By 5:30 AM you’re downstairs to grab a quick bagel and whole milk from the fridge. You head to work and arrive by 6:00 AM. The day drones on. Daydreaming, zoning out, counting down the time until you can head home and have the rest of the time off. 12 hours later you’re home. You feel too tired to do anything. You lay on the couch and order food online. You turn on the television and watch episodes of your favorite medical show or crime drama. You feel empty inside. You feel tired inside. You feel lost.

So why give up so easily and drone on?

Today hasn’t changed in terms on history. There’s still a hierarchy and still a system. It’s a modern day serfdom and you’re at the bottom of the totem pole.

So fix it.

I’m not saying start a revolution or create chaos just like your favorite movie Fight Club. I’m not saying to take the red pill and get out of the matrix.

I’m saying that you have willpower. And willpower can overcome any fantasy dystopia that you have in your head.

Let me introduce you to something that I have been practicing for many ages.

I call it The Anti-Howl.

You don’t always need to heed the horn or calling. That starts from within. Within that house in your head that opens and closes doors that you like to call the brain bucket. It’s not as empty as you think it is. You just need to have the right keys to the right doors.

But you and I both know that the struggle to find the right keys for the right doors can take a lifetime. So why not learn the art of mental lockpicking? Became a thief of your own mind and unlock what you think you couldn’t unlock before.

Grab a notebook or two. However many you need. They’re cheap and expendable at the store.

The Anti-Howl.

There are 4 major components to it.

Core. Breathing. Awareness. The Shield.

Weakness is not an option for the optimal modern day warrior. You must first build your armor by physical means. A strong sash is the epitome of a strong body. Ab work and lower back work at least 3 times a week can suffice. It can be as small as doing front planks, side planks, and reverse planks for 1 minute each session.

Breathing is a must for any capable person. Be the master at controlling the breath from your lungs and you will have the capacity to do more. Practice the fourfold breath, abdominal bracing, and crocodile breathing at a minimum of 3 times a week.

Awareness will come once you begin mastering core and breathing. Awareness will save your life or that of others. It will let you to break the curse of see no evil and hear no evil. Practice owl eyes, mantras, object memory, people detection, and mental math at a minimum of 3 times a week.

The Shield is something that most people ignore. In every being lies a castle. That castle must always be mended or else it will start to age and rot. A powerful castle will always contain a powerful being. The Shield is a culmination of the previous 3 components combined into one. The body must be strong after a strong core, so strengthen the tendons. A body is cold, so practice maintaining body heat. A body is hot, so practice maintaining level temperature to avoid heat exhaustion. Your body aches; find the spots where it hurts and repair the broken bricks. Simply applying cobweb over it won’t fix it.

You don’t need to send back the howl to the pack. You simply need to mend the castle.


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