So You Want To Train Your Lower Back

Most people will usually give these answers:

You don’t need to train the core with ab exercises and all that mumbo jumbo. Just do squats and deadlifts. Heavy singles give them lower back pumps!

While they certainly can, you need to add some extra assistance work in so you can better handle the fatigue of such lifts.

You can try some isometric holds with front squats and deadlifts if you really hate yourself. Do a weighted reverse plank as well if you’re -really- into torture. Or you know… just do reverse plank holds and call it a day.

You can try Good Mornings but if you want maximum endurance, try it with a light resistance band and shoot for high reps. Try Seated Good Mornings as well; Chinese Olympic Weightlifters really love that one.

Bird Dogs are a great core exercise that’s perfect for warming up, rehab, and even strength work when weighted.

Reverse Hypers and Back Extensions are the hallmarks of lower back work for about 80-90% of people and coach’s program that implement lower back work. Also included is Rack Pulls. They are a meathead favorite in the gym.

For those that are willing to try new things outside the box, implement some strongman work. Grab a sandbag or stone and do these exercises for direct core work: Loads and Extensions. Due to the round back nature of these lifts and how the back goes from flexion to extension during the lift, they hit the erectors pretty damn hard throughout the entire exercise.

A lot of physical therapies will have you doing direct posterior work for the glutes and hamstrings that can help shield the lower back. Included are Straight Leg Raises, Bridges, Bridge with Clamshell, Marching Bridge, Single Leg Raise, Dead Bug. Mostly a lot of single-leg work.

Remember: Don’t go too crazy. If you’re doing Stone Lift Extensions and Loads, don’t do direct lower back work as you’re already doing it and that will just cause further fatigue.

If your lower back is hurting because of a weak posterior chain, then build those muscles that shield the lower back first. If that fails and your lower back is still fatigued, then add in direct lower back work. Get some Good Mornings in and/or Back Extensions and Reverse Hypers.


Intermediate Ab Work


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