Intermediate Ab Work

So you’re an intermediate lifter and most ab exercises don’t do anything for you… Well let’s get creative. Add these exercises to any of your routines for direct ab work and see how it goes.

Get some weighted isometrics in. Add some difficult exercises such as Dragon Flags and Ab Wheel Rollouts. Add some weight to your crunches and GHR Sit Ups.

Try for 2-5 sets. 5-10 reps for the more difficult exercises. 30 seconds hold minimum for the isometrics. For less challenging exercises such as crunches and leg raises, shoot for 10-15+ reps.

Ab Wheel Rollouts (Advanced = Standing)

Dragon Flags

GHR Sit Up

Fallouts (With Blast Straps or Gymnastic Rings)

Hanging Leg Raises


Cable Crunches

Weighted Planks


Conditioning Tips


So You Want To Train Your Lower Back