Road to a 600 ACFT: The Program

The max for this test is: (I’m 25 so the standards will vary for each age group according to the scoring scales)

(SPT goes by Meters and CM distance)

MDL - 340 lbs./3 Reps

SPT - 13.0

HRP - 61 Reps

SDC - 1:30

PLK - 3:35

2MR - 13:27

What you are reading here is the program that I am currently running to prep for a military school and to get a 600 ACFT as well. I will explain as well why I chose the exercises and routines. My progression from this program will be uploaded daily until I accomplish the goal which I will then post results and move on to the next quest.

For cardio-focused weeks, the volume/intensity will be decreased

For lifting-focused weeks, the volume/intensity will be increased

5lbs will be added every 2 weeks to lifts such as the deadlift, clean & press, and step-up

Lifting-focused weeks will have a = sign next to it for how the volume will go

Cardio-focused weeks will have a + sign next to it for how the volume will go

My weights for each exercise vary. My OHP Max is 170lbs so I stick to singles and doubles of 135lbs and slowly increase.

My DL Max is around 350 (2022 PR) so as of week 3-4, I’m doing reps with 225lbs.

My squat max is around 335 (2022 PR) so as of week 3-4, I’m doing reps with 185lbs on the back squat and 135lbs on the front squat. My barbell step ups will slowly increase from 95lbs to eventually 185 lbs. over the course of this program. Heights will also vary for step ups.

I generally use dumbbells for my sit-ups and back extensions. I will increase the dumbbell weight for sit-ups from 20 lbs. to 40 lbs. while for back extensions I will increase the weights from 15 lbs. in each hand to 30 lbs. in each hand.

My heavy farmer’s carries are 135lbs. as of week 3-4 (plus the farmer’s handles which are 8lbs. each which will make it 143lbs.)

My light farmer’s carries are 90 lbs. as of week 3-4. (plus 8 which will make it 98 lbs.)


Cardio will from week to week increase. On lifting-heavy weeks, the distance will be no more than 3 miles while on cardio-heavy weeks, the distance will increase to a maximum of 6 miles. Remember to start off with 1 mile on week zero. For stair runs, measure the distance as best as you can.

Rucking will be changed throughout the program. Every 6 weeks, the weight on the ruck will increase. The first 6 weeks will be 30lbs. -> Then 35lbs. for the next 6 weeks and so forth until the ruck has reached approximately 55lbs. The distance will go from no more than 4 miles on lifting-heavy weeks and no more than 9 miles on cardio-heavy weeks. When a school-date is near that requires a ruck test (usually 12-15 miles), then the distance will be increase to 12-15 miles dependent on what the ruck test requires. For stair walks, measure the distance as best as you can.

Generally for rehab and warm-ups, I make sure that I get the shoulders, hips, knees, and core. My warm-ups change from time to time but I currently do full-body warm-ups where I try to get at least every body part once to make sure there is no leaks when I’m lifting my weights. My rehab will consist of barbell curls, barbell reverse curls, face-pulls, Poliquin step-ups, and side step-ups. I’ll make sure to always include External Rotations, Cossack Squats, Glute Bridges, Triceps work, and wrist/forearm work into my warm-ups.

The Why

You had the questions. Ask away anymore you have if you have trouble understanding or require a more in-depth analysis.

Here is how my thought process went:

MDL: Deadlift, Step-Up, Sit-Up, Back Extension, Side Extension, Pull-up, Inverted Row, Carries

SPT: Clean & Press, Kettlebell Swing, Inverted Row

HRP: Sit-Up, Back Extension, Pullups, Inverted Rows, Hand-Release Pushups, Farmer’s Carries, Burpees over Bar

SDC: Deadlift, Burpees over Bar, Farmer’s Carries

PLK: Sit-Up, Back Extension, Side Extension, Front Plank

2MR: Core work + Cardio days




Barbell Clean & Press (= 3x1) (+ 2x1)

Barbell Deadlift (= 1xFailure [RPE 9-10]) (+ 3x2)

Barbell Step-Up (= 1xFailure each side [RPE 8-10]) (+ 2x8 each side)

Weighted Sit-Up (= 1x25) (+ 1x25)

Weighted Back Extension (= 1x20 each side) (+ 1x20 each side)

Weighted Side Extension (= 1x20 each side) (+ 1x20 each side)

Pull-Up/Pushup Superset (= 3 sets of 8 pullups, 10 pushups) (+ 2 sets of 8 pullups, 10 pushups)

Inverted Row (= 3x10) (+2x10)

Burpees over Bar (= 3 rounds of 10 burpees) (+ 2 rounds of 10 burpees)

Heavy Farmer’s Carries ( = 3 rounds of 10M) (+ 2 rounds of 10M)

Front Plank (= 3 Min) (+ 2 Min)


Running Day: Choose either options

Weighted Vest Stair Runs

Long Steady State (Keep a slow-medium pace. No sprinting. 8-15 Min Pace)


Barbell Clean & Press (= 2, 2, 1, 1) (+ 3x1)

Barbell Front Squat OR Barbell Back Squat (= 1xFailure [RPE 9-10]) (+ 3x2)

Kettlebell Swing (= Drop Set 1xFailure RPE 9-10. Starting from 40 lbs. Goal is 45-60 reps) (+ 1x Drop set of 5 reps each weight drop)

Pull-Up (= 3x8) (+ 2x8)

Inverted Row (= 3x10) (+ 2x10)

Light Farmer’s Carries/Hand-Release Pushup (= 3 rounds of 10M and 15 HRP) (+ 2 rounds of 10M and 8 HRP)

Sit-Up (= 1x20) (+ 1x20)

Back Extension (= 1x20) (+ 1x20)

Side Extension (= 1x20) (+ 1x20)

Front Plank (= 3 Min) (+ 2 Min)


Rucking Day: Choose either options

Rucksack Stair Walks

Distance Rucking (Maintain a 12-18 Min pace)


Barbell Clean & Press (= 3x1) (+ 2x1)

Barbell Deadlift (= 1xFailure [RPE 9-10]) (+ 3x2)

Barbell Step-Up (= 1xFailure each side [RPE 8-10]) (+ 2x8 each side)

Weighted Sit-Up (= 1x25) (+ 1x25)

Weighted Back Extension (= 1x20 each side) (+ 1x20 each side)

Weighted Side Extension (= 1x20 each side) (+ 1x20 each side)

Pull-Up/Pushup Superset (= 3 sets of 8 pullups, 10 pushups) (+ 2 sets of 8 pullups, 10 pushups)

Inverted Row (= 3x10) (+2x10)

Burpees over Bar (= 3 rounds of 10 burpees) (+ 2 rounds of 10 burpees)

Heavy Farmer’s Carries (= 3 rounds of 10M) (+ 2 rounds of 10M)

Front Plank (= 3 Min) (+ 2 Min)





Mental Training and Studying Up

You also need help on getting ready mentally for the school-date and physical assessment.

What you may or may not need will vary. Generally for military schools, you will need to study up on the skill levels of your job/profession whether that be combat-related or support-related. Find time throughout the day to do your mental training! If you have any questions as to this, feel free to ask away or DM me about it.

As for me, I will run a schedule that looks like this:


Duolingo -> 10 Min

Book Read -> 20-30 Min

Meditation -> Surroundings, 10 Min

Military Study -> Recon & Surveillance, 30 Min


Duolingo -> 10 Min

Book Read -> 20-30 Min

Meditation -> Body, 10 Min

Military Study -> Recon & Surveillance, 30 Min


Duolingo -> 10 Min

Book Read -> 20-30 Min

Meditation -> Memory, 10 Min

Military Study -> Knits/Knots/Packing, 30 Min


Duolingo -> 10 Min

Book Read -> 20-30 Min

Meditation -> Scenarios, 10 Min

Military Study -> Actions on the Objective, 30 Min


Duolingo -> 10 Min

Book Read -> 20-30 Min

Meditation -> Death, 10 Min

Military Study -> Actions on the Objective, 30 Min


Decompress. Don’t overstress yourself.


Decompress. Free the mind and body.


Warfighter Functionality


A New Philosophy System in the Works