Revisiting Military Programming

I’ve noticed that my older programs concerning military programs are all over the place. I had the best ideas in mind, but the execution seemed awful.

First and foremost, my philosophy(ies) in training is heavily focused on making sure you’re an Athlete that gets training done in every part of the body. Don’t be that guy that only does the big 3 then wonders why he has shoulder issues or tears a bicep.

You must train like a body builder in a sense, but do it athletically and strategically. Don’t do a bro-split or 15 variations of the same exercises.

Military programming need a lot done to be successful, but here are a few tips and tricks to make them better

  • Train grip with fat-bar grips, farmer’s carries, climbing rope, grip endurance activities

  • Train the core all around. Abs, Lower Back, QL. They’re all equally important.

  • Calisthenics is the key to programming. Don’t neglect your push-ups, pull-ups, squats, nordic curls

  • Ensure you have the strength to handle heavy lifting and loads. That means working on the big 4 (Bench, OHP, Squat, Deadlift) and also working on muscular endurance with that. Sleds, Rope Pulls, Tire Flips are some great strength builders that also work muscular endurance.

  • Add some Strongman functionality to your program! Bear Hug Carries, Atlas Stone Loads, Yoke Walks, Sandbag Over Shoulders!

  • Don’t ever neglect your cardio. Work on that LSS, Sprints, and Elevation Cardio. That includes Running, Rucking, and Jumping Rope.

  • Don’t neglect the small muscles. Train your calves, rotator cuffs, tibias, and other small muscles so you can maintain an all around healthy and strong body. Injuring them will cause a slow process of healing that will push back your goals in the Military. That includes your biceps and triceps!

  • And last, but not least… something new that I will be working on is Mental Conditioning and Brain Training. I will definitely think of a better name than those 2! But to train isn’t just to build up physically. One must build up mentally as well. Especially for something as complex as Military training.


On Mental and Job Training


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