
Beginner 5 Day Routine to build you up to become the warrior that you’ve always wanted to be. This is a 5 day plan with 3 strength-focused days, 2 cardio-focused days, and 2 rest days. This program is meant for those who have never hit the gym before.

Here are the main lifts being focused on:

  • Push Press 3x3

  • Back Squat 3x3

  • Deadlift 2x5

Here are the accessories that add to the lifts:

  • Flat Bench Press (DB) 2x5

  • Bent-Over Row (DB & BB) 3x3

  • Crunch 3x5

  • Farmer’s Carries 2x25meters

For main lifts, an RPE of 7-8 will be maintained. Beginners generally don’t know their 1RM so pick a weight that you can maintain for 3 sets and increase by 5-10lbs. every 4 weeks. Deadlifts and Squats should be increased every 4 weeks by 10 lbs. while Presses should be increased by 5lbs. every 4 weeks.

For accessory lifts, an RPE of 4-6 will be maintained. The lifts will stay consistently at a RPE of 6-7 so that the focus can be on the main lifts. Farmer’s Carries will be 40-60% of BW on each hand. If unable to, a minimum of 20lbs. on each hand to a maximum of 50 lbs. in each hand.

For Cardio days, you will maintain a Zone 2 pace for every run. Weeks 1-4 will be 10 minutes long. Weeks 5-8 will be 15 minutes long. Weeks 9-12 will be 20 minutes long.

EXTRA NOTES: Exercises can be swapped if need be due to injury. Hack Squats can replace Squats, Back Extensions can replace Deadlifts. Seal Rows or Incline Rows can replace Bent-Over Rows.


For warming up, this is what I do for a quick preparation. Remember to RAMP UP for your lifts! Use 2-3 ramp up sets to get to your starting weight. An example would be 45 -> 95 -> 135 -> SETS OF 185

Jumping Jacks x 25 OR Stationary Bike OR Rower for 5 Minutes

Upper Body Warm Up

  • Bent-Over Row x 20 (Light Resistance Band)

  • Face-Pull x 20 (Light Resistance Band)

  • Lu Raise x20 (2.5 lbs. weights)

  • Triceps Pushdown x 20 (Light Resistance Band)

  • Floor T Raise (Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Neutral) x 20 (2.5lbs. weights)

  • Flat Bench Press x 20 (Light Resistance Band)

  • Biceps Curl x 20 (Light Resistance Band)

Lower Body Warm Up

  • Leg Curl x 20 each side (Light Resistance Band OR Ankle Weights)

  • Leg Extension x 20 each side (Light Resistance Band OR Ankle Weights)

  • Standing Hip Flexor Lift x 20 each side (Ankle Weights)

  • Side Lying Leg Lift x 20 each side (Ankle Weights)

  • Calf Raise x 20 each side

  • Tibia Raise x 20 each side

This is how days will be scheduled:

Day 1/Monday: Strength

  • Push Press (Barbell) 3x3

  • Bent-Over Row (Dumbbell) 3x3

  • Flat Bench Press (Dumbbell) 2x5

  • Crunch 3x5

  • Farmer’s Carries 2x25m

Day 2/Tuesday: Cardio

Long Distance Run x Zone 2

Day 3/Wednesday: Strength

  • Back Squat (Barbell) 3x3

  • Bent-Over Row (Barbell) 3x3

  • Crunch 3x5

  • Farmer’s Carries 2x25m

Day 4/Thursday: Cardio

Long Distance Run x Zone 2

Day 5/Friday: Strength

  • Deadlifts (Barbell) 2x5


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