2024: Upcoming

Here I will post what will be coming this year for this site, Pumping Iron wise.

For fitness programs, I intend to release free programs for all of 2024 because knowledge should be free and knowledge is power.

Upcoming Programs:

Bannerman: Beginner Routine. 3 Days. Emphasis on Strength, Hypertrophy, and Conditioning.

Abyssmancer: Beginner Routine. 5 Days. Emphasis on Strength, Hypertrophy, and Conditioning.

Crypt Seeker: Beginner Routine. 3 Days. Working Out on the Road. Emphasis on Maintenance.

Bulwark: Beginner Routine. 5 days. Military Basic Training Prep.

Barrage: Intermediate Routine. 5-6 Days. Build up to a 550+ ACFT.

Tombhooks: Intermediate Routine. 5 Days. Emphasis on isometrics and arm strength.

Flintlock: Rucking Extraordinaire. Major focus on rucking with everything else as accessories to build towards a better body for rucking. 5-6 days.

Primal Greave: Intermediate Routine. 4 days. Focus on long distance cardio and strongman strength.

Primal Foe: Intermediate Routine. 4 days. Focus on upper body muscular endurance and lower body strength.

Tercio: Advanced Routine. 5-6 days. E3B Prep.

Fusilbark: Advanced Routine. 3 Days. Busy body. GPP. Emphasis on strength.

Fusilreign: Advanced Routine. 3 Days. Busy body. GPP. Emphasis on endurance.

Mutant Tracker: Advanced Routine. 5-6 days. Long Range Reconnaissance Deployment Prep.

Mutant Tail: Advanced Routine. 5-6 days. Minimal gym equipment. Military GPP.

Mutant Butcher: Advanced Routine. 5-6 days. Urban Warfare Deployment Prep.

Upcoming Philosophies/Methodologies:

Yokemending: Building the tendons and muscles to work out stronger and healthier.

Monterrey Method: The how and why I utilize my current systems with regards to fitness programs.

Blunderbuss Method: How to study and practice when all you have is your PC and notebooks.

Body Brewing: An all-encompassing base of how to maintain a healthy diet through strenuous jobs and life.

Slayer Routines: Philosophy and methodology on how I create beginner routines.




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