Maxatollah ‘89: Preparations for Combat

So you have 4 months to prepare yourself for a conflict. Whether it’s a big training exercise or war, you need all the preparation to peak and perform well in the conditions of the future tasks and objectives.

Maxatollah ‘89 is here to help you in those endeavors.

To make sure you’re set to go, you have to maximize your gains in 3 parts:

Physical Competence, Technical Competence, and Tactical Competence.

  • Physical Competence will be split into two types of training weeks:

Muscular Training (Bruiser): Lower Body (Weighted), Upper Body (Bodyweight), Cardio (Rucking), Lower Body (Bodyweight), Upper Body (Weighted)

Cardiovascular Training (Scrapper): Cardio (LSS), Fullbody, Cardio (Sprints), Fullbody, Cardio (LSS)

There are several more types of training that people often forget.

Meditation: Practice only 10 minutes a day to soothe stress away. Stress can destroy gains faster than you think.

Mobility: Not flexibility. That will be a focus if you’re in a sport or hobby that requires it. Mobility is the ability to move through full range of motion. 10 minutes in the morning can be just enough for the average person.

Neck Training: Twice a week, perform these exercises: Neck Flexion, Neck Extension, Lateral Flexion, Neck Rotation. 2 Sets of 10 each exercise.


  • Technical Competence will be split into several categories

Reading: The most basic of tasks to keep the mind afloat. 1 Book every 2-3 weeks is sufficient enough to achieve

English Knowledge: Reading isn’t just enough for your English skills. Practice writing and learning vocabulary. can help out with that. Khan Academy is also available.

Math Knowledge: Do you think you’ll always have a calculator with you? Get your head straight on mathematics so you’re not struggling out there. Khan Academy is a great resource to study with.

Science Knowledge: Everything from Chemistry to Physics can help you out there in the field or sandbox.

Language Skills: Practice being bilingual. Just because you never left the lower 48 states doesn’t mean you don’t need to study other languages. The world works together, so learn to adapt and take advantage of that. Duolingo is a fine resource for learning new languages.

Mechanics Knowledge: Learn the ins and outs of every type of vehicle, whether that’d be civilian or military. Car Mechanic Simulator is a good resource if you can’t afford a class or don’t have access to all the tools to practice. Chrisfix is an absolute gem of a Youtube channel to help beginners learn car mechanics.

Survival Skills: Don’t be that guy who can’t start a fire or tie knots. A primary focus will be on tying knots and secondary focus will be on other survival skills such as starting fires, creating shelters, etc.

A lot of categories to practice, right? Here is how to split it up for you

Each category only needs a minimum of 10 minutes a day to practice. It’s easy to divide all of them for 5 days a week.

Reading: 1 Chapter minimum every day.

Language Skills: 1 Session of Duolingo a week minimum.

Knowledge Skills (Math, Science, English, Mechanics): 10 minutes of studying per subject per week minimum.

Survival Skills: 1 10 minute Session every week minimum.

  • Tactical Competence will be split into 5 categories:

Patrolling: From the most basic task of knowing who is who on a combat patrol to different formations, patrolling is the make or break for anyone on deployment or training.

Communication: The radio and its cousins are the keys to success. Knowing how to utilize the equipment can create a fully functioning unit or a chaotic mess.

Weapons: Knowing how to handle and use your weapon can create either a superb violence of action or getting wide eyes from those to your left and right.

Medical: First Aid can save a bleeding ally or make you freeze up not knowing how to handle injuries.

Land Navigation: KNOW YOUR WAY!

As for learning these, I’d highly suggest the following:

Patrolling: Ranger Handbook. Combat Leader’s Field Guide. MCDP 1 Warfighting. Light Infantry Tactics For Small Teams. Brent0331 on Youtube.

Communication: Ranger Handbook. Official Military TMs. ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications. HAM Radio for Dummies.

Weapons: Official Military TMs. EIB Pro. World of Guns Gun Disassembly on Steam. Gunsmith Simulator on Steam. Weapons can be a bit more difficult than the other topics to -practice- and become an expert at. There are resources depending on the state where you can go to ranges and classes. There is also replicas and airsoft versions around if you can afford that as well.

Medical: Tactical Combat Casualty Care Handbook. Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook. Ranger Medic Handbook.

Land Navigation: Official Military TMs. Orienteering Guides. LANDNAV Video Game on Steam.

Just like with technical competence, practice each subject a minimum of 10 minutes a day. Separate each category for each day. 5 days to train. 5 subjects. Easy.


Bruiser Weeks (Muscular Training)

Day 1: Lower Body. Weighted.

Day 2: Upper Body. Bodyweight.

Day 3: Lower Body. Bodyweight.

Day 4: Upper Body. Weighted

Day 5: REST

Day 6: Cardio. Ruck.

Day 7: REST

Any arm work will only be utilizing the barbell (45lbs.)

Bands for workout sessions will be light (warm-up) and heavy (arms)

Pull-Ups will be increased every 4 weeks starting from 8, 7, 6 -> 9, 8, 7 -> 10, 9, 8 -> 11, 10, 9

Pushups & Handstand Pushups will be done with periodization. The max reps will be the 1RM. Weeks will go from 50-70%. If your max number of reps for push ups is 80, week 1 will be sets of 40 (50% of 80 is 40)

Week 1-4: 50%

Week 5-8: 60%

Weeks will be going through a continuous linear periodization. Percentages are based on 1RM. Every 2 weeks the main lower body lift will be switched. (Example: Week 1-2 Deadlift, Week 3-4 Squat, Week 5-6 Deadlift). Percentages will end at 85% on week 15 followed by 60% on week 16. Percentages will increase every 4 weeks. This applies to BB Row & OHP as well.

Week 1: 70%

Week 2: 60%

Week 3: 70%

Week 4: 60%

Week 5: 75%

Week 6: 60%

Week 7: 75%

Week 8: 60%

For rucks, every bruiser week will have 1 cardio day dedicated to a ruck.

Week 1, 3: 25lbs, 3 Miles

Week 5, 7: 35lbs, 3 Miles

Week 9, 11: 45lbs. 3 Miles

Week 13, 15: 45 Lbs. 3 Miles. Take ruck off, 3 miles again.

Day 1: Lower Body. Weighted.

Capacity: 3 Sets: RPE 8

  • Weighted Box Jump x 3

Prime: 3 Sets: RPE 8

  • Barbell Deadlift OR Barbell Squat x 3

Accessories: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Reverse Lunge x 8

  • Hanging Leg Raise x 8

Shanks: 3 Sets: RPE 8

  • KB Swing x 20

Accessories: 4 Sets: RPE 7

  • Calf Raise x 15

  • Tibia Raise x 15

Day 2: Upper Body. Bodyweight

Hooks: 3 Sets: RPE 8

  • Pinch Grip Plate Flip x 10 (Use 25lbs)

  • Crush Gripper x 20 Each Hand

  • Wrist Roller x 10 (Use 15 lbs. max)

  • Barbell Reverse Curl x 5

Farmer’s Carries: Heavy Duty: RPE 8

  • 2x25m @ 125lbs

Prime: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Pull-Up x 8

Prime: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Hand-Release Push-Up: PACE DAY OR DISTANCE DAY

Pace Day: Get a metronome. Set to 122 BPM (61 PU over 2 minutes). Grind it out as long as possible. Hit failure. Wait 1 Minute. Go again until failure.

Distance Day: Get a metronome. Set to 80-90 BPM (40-45 PU over 2 minutes). Go for longer than 2 minutes until failure.

Accessories: 4 Sets: RPE 7

  • Roman Chair Russian Twist x 10 (each side)

  • Side Extension x 10 (each side)

Accessories: 2 Sets: RPE 7

  • Extended Plank x 1 Min

  • Reverse Hyper x 15

Day 3: Lower Body. Bodyweight

Prime: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Single Leg RDL x 10 each side

  • Elevated Pistol Squat x 5 each side

  • Single Leg Glute Bridge x 10 each side

  • Butterfly Sit-up x 10

Accessories: 2 Sets: RPE 7

  • Hanging Leg Raise x 8

  • Elevated Lunge x 10

Accessories: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Cossack Squat x 10 (each side)

  • Side Lying Leg Lift x 15 (each side)

Accessories: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Roman Chair Sit-Up x 10

  • 45 Degree Back Extension x 10

  • Roman Chair Back Extension x 10

Shanks: 10 Min EMOM: RPE 8

  • KB Swing EMOM: 5 Swings. 40lbs.

Accessories: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Calf Raise x 20

  • Tibia Raise x 20

Day 4: Upper Body. Weighted.

Capacity: 3 Sets: RPE 8

  • Single-Arm Dumbbell High Pull x 3

Prime: 3 Sets: RPE 8

  • Barbell Bent-Over Row x 3

  • Barbell Overhead Press x 3

Accessories: 4 Sets: RPE 8

  • Weighted Deficit Pushup x 8

  • Side Bend x 10

Hooks: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Pinch Grip Plate Flip x 10 (Use 25 lbs.)

  • Crush Gripper x 20 Each Hand

  • Wrist Roller x 10 (Use 15 lbs. max)

  • Barbell Reverse Curl x 5

Farmer’s Carries: Heavy Duty: RPE 8

  • 2x25m @ 125lbs

Day 6: Cardio. Rucking.

3 Miles. 25lbs.

Scrapper Weeks (Cardiovascular Training)

Day 1: Cardio (LSS)

Day 2: Fullbody (Squat Focused)

Day 3: Cardio (LSS)

Day 4: Fullbody (Deadlift Focused)

Day 5: Cardio (Sprints)

Day 6: Rest

Day 7: Rest

LSS Runs will be 30 min long @ Zone 2 rates weeks 1-4. Weeks 5-8 will be 45 min long. Weeks 9-16 will be 60 min long.

Sprints will be 400 meter repeats in a different way. This method will help build up that last leg drive needed to finish out.

400, 400, 4x100, 400

Full-Body Days:

Squat Focus

Prime: 2 Sets: RPE 7

  • Barbell Back Squat x 3

Accessories: 2 Sets: RPE 7

  • Pull-Up x 5

  • One-Armed Barbell Shrug x 8

  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise x 10

Hooks: 2 Sets: RPE 7

  • Pinch Grip Plate Flip x 10 (Use 25lbs.)

  • Crush Gripper x 20 Each Hand

  • Wrist Roller x 10 (Use 15lbs. max)

  • Barbell Reverse Curl x 5

Farmer’s Carries: Light Duty: RPE 8

  • 3x50m @ 75lbs.

Accessories: 1 Set: RPE 4

  • Calf Raise x 20

  • Tibia Raise x 20

Roots: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Hanging Leg Raise x 5

  • Ab Wheel Rollout x 5

  • Roman Chair Russian Twist x 10 each side

  • Side Extension x 15 each side

Deadlift Focus

Prime: 2 Sets: RPE 7

  • Barbell Deadlift x 3

Accessories: 2 Sets: RPE 7

  • Pull-Up x 5

  • One-Armed Barbell Shrug x 8

  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise x 10

Hooks: 2 Sets: RPE 7

  • Pinch Grip Plate Flip x 10 (Use 25lbs.)

  • Crush Gripper x 20 Each Hand

  • Wrist Roller x 10 (Use 15lbs. max)

  • Barbell Reverse Curl x 5

Farmer’s Carries: Light Duty: RPE 7

  • 3x50m @ 75lbs.

Accessories: 1 Set: RPE 4

  • Calf Raise x 20

  • Tibia Raise x 20

Roots: 3 Sets: RPE 7

  • Hanging Leg Raise x 5

  • Ab Wheel Rollout x 5

  • Roman Chair Russian Twist x 10 each side

  • Side Extension x 15 each side



Building Your Gas Tank


On Rucking